slow trucks in the middle lane

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Old 03-04-2007, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by golfhobo
Originally Posted by Colin
God, what a stupid effing thread. Sheesh.
What is so stupid about this thread, Colin? If you've ever been an OTR driver, as I believe you said you were, you KNOW this is one of the biggest problems drivers face in their daily "job."

There are threads on here about Anna Nicole Smith, lot lizards, what to bring with you on a road trip, and many OTHER banal subjects. What is so stupid about a thread about slow trucks impeding traffic?

Our job is DRIVING! Not sleeping in a truckstop, or finding a Walmart, or what satellite radio station or WiFi card is best. I really don't understand your animosity on this. But, if you find it a WASTE of your time..... change the channel! Go to another thread!

I'm not questioning your 10 years or more of "previous" experience, but times are changing out there on the road. To MY mind, THIS is one of the most pertinent subjects that we could be discussing. In fact, it should be MOVED to the "new drivers get help" forum!

The only thing worse than the hordes of WIMPS who are getting into driving trucks today, is the number of POOR DRIVERS who are doing so! People think that they can go to a 4 week school and learn how to drive a truck.... and then they get out there with the rest of us! :roll:

I couldn't give a DA@N about what GPS system someone uses, or what laptop they need, or where they go to the bathroom.......... I want to see people who can DRIVE! THAT is what affects me every minute of every day that I am on the road!

I spend at least 11 hours on the road every day, between the white lines and the ditches! I'm guiding 80k pounds on some pretty lousy roads, surrounded by IDIOTS, and my job is to make the miles and do so SAFELY for me and everyone else on the road. MY LIFE, and yours, could depend on what I KNOW about the "expected" actions of every other vehicle on the road.

I don't really have TIME to worry about DDL programs and satellite radio mergers. I spend almost every minute of my working day thinking about the safety issues that face me on the road! And, I'm proud to say, that I maintain my concentration on my job!

A couple of days ago, I heard no less than THREE truckers trying to get the attention of a flatbedder to tell him his airlines were dragging the ground! A possibly "critical" situation! When he finally "answered" them, he admitted his radio was turned down so he could make a cellphone call!

The road is a dangerous place these days! Apparently, you are no longer out here in the "battle." Idiots going slow in the middle lane are a BIG part of the problem! This is a thread addressing THAT problem.

So WHAT, pray tell, is so "effing stupid" about this thread??? And what, does GOD have to do with it?

Well Hobo, Colin said in a thread he had 10 yrs and 1 million miles, now I don't believe that one bit!
Then on another thread he said he only had 18 months OTR, so how did he get 1 million miles in 10 yrs this way. Something he is full of shi%, and a shi$
Old 03-04-2007, 10:18 PM
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Sorry... I finding it hard to believe that if some idiot is in the left lane doing 55 and doesn't have enough sense to get in the right lane, that I have to stay behind him in the right lane. Thats just plain stupid.

I'm like hobo. Point me to a link.
Old 03-04-2007, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
Well Hobo, Colin said in a thread he had 10 yrs and 1 million miles, now I don't believe that one bit!
Then on another thread he said he only had 18 months OTR, so how did he get 1 million miles in 10 yrs this way. Something he is full of shi%, and a shi$
You need to take this back right now. It was nearly 10 years and nearly a million miles. Don't misquote me and proceed to accuse me of lying.

Also; is OTR the ONLY way to get miles? Then shut up.
Old 03-04-2007, 10:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Meat Wagon
Is it illegal to pass on the right when some Left Lane Louie on a 4 lane highway (usually a 4 wheeler) going slower than the rest of the traffic absolutely refuses to move over? I can't bring myself to get 3 inches from his bumper and intimidate with lights or horn or grille or whatever. It's just not in me. So albeit cautiously I will pass on the right to get me on my way. I know some drivers will refuse to pass a slow vehicle on the right, but is it against the law in all areas, some areas or is it OK under the circumstances? Got to admit this old vet doesn't know :?.
I think it's ok everwhere except for Virginia where everything seems to be illegal. But seriously most 4 lanes say slower traffic keep right and they say trucks use right lane except when passing, so if you are in the right lane,I dont think it matters, you arent really passing, you are just going faster than the other guy.
Old 03-04-2007, 11:03 PM
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What is stupid about it is the fact that very few posters in this thread can understand anyone else's reasoning for using the middle lane. I mentioned it yesterday; I made one post and it was supposed to be enough. It seems like subsequent posters just cruised (haha; cruised!) on past my comment as if it didn't exist. There are absolutely times when staying in the middle lane is prudent. I don't know if anyone has acknowledged that fact.

Being slowed down on the interstate was never a problem for me. "Oooh. I just got delayed for 12 seconds!" WTF does it matter in the grand scheme? Please don't give me any bee ess about 12 seconds * 9000 incidents = 4 years of your life. I don't care. You won't do anything except raise your blood pressure getting aggravated about the truck in front of you impeding your movement.

Also, there is no discussion in this thread. The din is almost too much. Lots of near shouting and what not. I don't know. I guess I prefer civilized discussion over what this thread has become.

I agree roads are dangerous, but I also think it's wrong to think of it as a battle.

And that's pretty much all I have to say.
Old 03-04-2007, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by glasman2
Sorry... I finding it hard to believe that if some idiot is in the left lane doing 55 and doesn't have enough sense to get in the right lane, that I have to stay behind him in the right lane. Thats just plain stupid.

I'm like hobo. Point me to a link.
Here's ya a link:
My facebook profile:
Old 03-04-2007, 11:34 PM
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That link is for passing on the left, and not passing on the right on a 2 way street. Most of it tells how your allowed to use the left lane.
Old 03-05-2007, 01:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Colin
Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
Well Hobo, Colin said in a thread he had 10 yrs and 1 million miles, now I don't believe that one bit!
Then on another thread he said he only had 18 months OTR, so how did he get 1 million miles in 10 yrs this way. Something he is full of shi%, and a shi$
You need to take this back right now. It was nearly 10 years and nearly a million miles. Don't misquote me and proceed to accuse me of lying.

Also; is OTR the ONLY way to get miles? Then shut up.
In almost 10 years it is... You made up the 10 yrs and 1 million numbers, its right in your post. If it was 800k miles and 9 yrs you would have said that!! OK, I take it back, your full of crap, not shi$

I'm not saying your lying, I believe you stretch the truth a
Is that Have a wonderful day.....
Old 03-05-2007, 02:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Colin
What is stupid about it is the fact that very few posters in this thread can understand anyone else's reasoning for using the middle lane. I mentioned it yesterday; I made one post and it was supposed to be enough. It seems like subsequent posters just cruised (haha; cruised!) on past my comment as if it didn't exist. There are absolutely times when staying in the middle lane is prudent. I don't know if anyone has acknowledged that fact.

Yes, Colin, you gave ONE example where a company might dictate that their trucks stay in the middle lane, regardless of their slow speed. I don't say this isn't true, but tell me the company so I can go beat the sh3t out of the owner! No one is saying a truck can't stay in the middle lane... IF he is up to speed!

Being slowed down on the interstate was never a problem for me. "Oooh. I just got delayed for 12 seconds!" WTF does it matter in the grand scheme? Please don't give me any bee ess about 12 seconds * 9000 incidents = 4 years of your life. I don't care. You won't do anything except raise your blood pressure getting aggravated about the truck in front of you impeding your movement.

Well, I don't quite "get" your math, but I'll tell you this. On my runs from the West coast to the East, 5 mph means 3 hours of hometime "wasted" on the road. More importantly, as someone said, it could make a difference of getting to a "safe" or "preferred" shutdown point for the night. Regardless... I just don't want to DO 55 behind your Azz when I CAN do 75!

Also, there is no discussion in this thread. The din is almost too much. Lots of near shouting and what not. I don't know. I guess I prefer civilized discussion over what this thread has become.

Hmm.... What 5 pages? I'd call that a "discussion." Who are YOU to decide what is a discussion or not? Colin, we are politically "aligned," and I have ALWAYS enjoyed your posts.... but THIS time.... you are whining about nothing that matters to you! Why???

I agree roads are dangerous, but I also think it's wrong to think of it as a battle.

Not a "battle." It's a JOB. How many dispatchers/companies would be HAPPY if we ALL just got in line behind J.B.??? We don't WORK for them. OUR schedules are not based on THEIR speeds. You KNOW how this works.

And that's pretty much all I have to say

For the record, "I" did not question your resume. I really don't CARE how many miles or years ANY of you have under your belt. "SSOutlaw" (who stayed OUT of a previous battle of mine,) wants to make a "deal" of it. I don't see why. I OPENLY admit that I have only been driving a TRUCK for about a year and a half! I'm still a rookie! But, ALL those miles are accident free. And I don't see that changing! I only objected to you getting "out of character" and cussing out this thread! :lol:

I stand by eveything I said in previous posts. I repudiate any attacks on YOU (by others) for what you said (in a moment of Republican induced ignorance) and again suggest that you "change the channel" if you think the subject of "obstructing the middle lane" is effing stupid!

Remember... friends are few and far between.


"I am willing to admit that I was wrong." The Rev.
Old 03-05-2007, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Colin
Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
Well Hobo, Colin said in a thread he had 10 yrs and 1 million miles, now I don't believe that one bit!
Then on another thread he said he only had 18 months OTR, so how did he get 1 million miles in 10 yrs this way. Something he is full of shi%, and a shi$
You need to take this back right now. It was nearly 10 years and nearly a million miles. Don't misquote me and proceed to accuse me of lying.

Also; is OTR the ONLY way to get miles? Then shut up.
Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
In almost 10 years it is... You made up the 10 yrs and 1 million numbers, its right in your post. If it was 800k miles and 9 yrs you would have said that!! OK, I take it back, your full of crap, not shi$

I'm not saying your lying, I believe you stretch the truth a
Is that Have a wonderful day.....

18 months OTR = 190000 miles
98 months local = 702000 miles

I don't see what is so difficult to understand. You don't know me. You don't know what jobs I've had driving truck.

This is twice you've posted that I claimed to have 10 years and 1 million miles of experience and twice that I've posted you are misquoting me. So I'll ask a second time to shut up and quit calling me a liar. It makes you look foolish.

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