slow trucks in the middle lane

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Old 03-05-2007, 03:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Colin
Originally Posted by Colin
Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
Well Hobo, Colin said in a thread he had 10 yrs and 1 million miles, now I don't believe that one bit!
Then on another thread he said he only had 18 months OTR, so how did he get 1 million miles in 10 yrs this way. Something he is full of shi%, and a shi$
You need to take this back right now. It was nearly 10 years and nearly a million miles. Don't misquote me and proceed to accuse me of lying.

Also; is OTR the ONLY way to get miles? Then shut up.
Originally Posted by ssoutlaw
In almost 10 years it is... You made up the 10 yrs and 1 million numbers, its right in your post. If it was 800k miles and 9 yrs you would have said that!! OK, I take it back, your full of crap, not shi$

I'm not saying your lying, I believe you stretch the truth a
Is that Have a wonderful day.....

18 months OTR = 190000 miles
98 months local = 702000 miles

I don't see what is so difficult to understand. You don't know me. You don't know what jobs I've had driving truck.

This is twice you've posted that I claimed to have 10 years and 1 million miles of experience and twice that I've posted you are misquoting me. So I'll ask a second time to shut up and quit calling me a liar. It makes you look foolish.

I still think you are full of crap, its funny you know now exactly the miles and yrs now, but still wrote out the words 10 yrs and 1 million miles! If I were you, i would have said around 900k miles in 9.5 thank god for the calculator huh??? Its funny how a driver knows exactly how many miles he has driven in his life off the top of his head, I don't, and I'm going on 30 yrs. I say 30 yrs because I was 20 yrs old for 2 months when I started driving and I turn 50 this month so I say going on 30, still with me?? If you were to ask me how many miles I have driven, I couldnt even begin to tell you without lying, plus the handle will give you a little info of my yrs in the business.I question your experience because of your comments in this thread, but hey this is the Internet, you can be what ever you want, and no ones the Now go ahead and drive in YOU'RE MIDDLE lane because your company said After almost 9.6 yrs of driving, you think you would be thinking for yourself by
Old 03-05-2007, 03:30 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 341

Originally Posted by golfhobo
Originally Posted by Deus
I will not try to pass a truck at 1mph faster in heavy metro traffic, I will wait it out.

However out in the country, I stand by my reasoning that if I want to pass you going 1mph faster, you could be courteous and drop your speed a bit to let me get around, and then hit the resume on your cruise control.

I see no reason to lose 30 minutes when I don't HAVE 30 minutes to lose.

Oh and even in the country I try to be courteous, if I'm attemping a slow pass, and I see a car coming up behind me off in the distance and I know he'll catch me before I complete the pass, I will drop my speed and fall back into the right lane until the car gets passed...

Even though 4-wheelers constantly burn me when I'm nice to them (like when you let them on when they're merging slow, by moving over to the passing lane, then they gun it and match your speed and won't slow down or speed up to let you back over) I always try to be courteous.
I would have NO problem with the circumstances as you state them, Deus. Although, sometimes traffic is heavy in more "rural" areas as well on the Interstate. I am talking mostly about the "4 mile pass" regardless of where it takes place.... when it causes traffic to back up behind the passing truck.

We ALL have a job to do. Actually, with my speed advantage, I wouldn't lose MUCH time by braking HARD to let you pass in a matter of only a minute or two, but that is not the point. My problem is with a truck who has been following another for the last couple of miles, who sees me "barreling" down on him, and thinks he must pull out NOW and attempt a pass, rather than spending 5 more seconds behind that truck while I blow by both of them. This is DANGEROUS, and makes NO SENSE.

I understand and feel the agony of a single "wasted" mph. My problem is with the "slower" governed trucks who cannot or will not see that I am going at least 10 mph faster than them, and pull out to block me for that 4 mile pass!

Worse yet, by the time they finally clear the other truck, we are on an uphill grade, and I am heavy. Now, I've lost all my momentum, and "I" may have to fall in behind the truck they passed, so that I can let some 4wheelers get by. Then, we crest the hill, and I again gain 15 mph on the "governed" truck in front of me.... but NOW I have to break going downhill to keep from running over a 4wheeler who is doing the "4 mile pass!" And just a moment ago.... I was leaving him in my dust! :twisted:

Had you (or a truck like yours) LET me pass by, I would have been long gone, and still dragging a string of slower 4wheelers behind me. Then, the road behind the two of you would be "empty" and you can take as long as you needed to pass him. It's all about courtesy and road management. You may not have 30 minutes to spare, but you've got another 5 seconds that I'm SURE you can't find a way to log! :lol:
No I totally hear you. We have computer logs so every minute counts for me. If I see a fast truck barreling down on a truck I'm about to pass, I'll wait. I don't mind waiting for faster traffic to get around... Although I'm governed at like 70-72 mph, so I'm still faster than most of those company trucks out there :-)

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