A Topic About Nothing

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Old 12-07-2005, 09:18 PM
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That'll change quite sooooon...
Don't be to optimistic the light at the end of the tunnel may be another train!!!

Old 12-09-2005, 12:48 PM
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nope still nothing
but officer the little green men said i didnt need a logbook anymore
Old 12-09-2005, 04:26 PM
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Maybe a little bit of something......nope, I think I just hallucinated
Old 12-10-2005, 09:41 PM
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Hallucinating on the job can get one promoted.... FAAAAAR OUTTTT! :P
Don't be to optimistic the light at the end of the tunnel may be another train!!!

Old 12-11-2005, 05:13 PM
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An incident a few days back involving an EMS wagon and a Bi-Polar patient made for interesting news and also created quite a few questions.


Note: This is a work of fiction and a very active imagination however......

Another night and Byron heads out to the BP terminal to load the first of his 4 loads of gas. The line at the terminal is long as other gas haulers struggle to find the gas to load in their trailers. Pipeline problems created mass hysteria and frustration for drivers as they try to earn a decent paycheck.

After an hour and 45 minutes Byron gets the trailer loaded and drives off into the oncoming darkness. Frustrated at the long delay, Byron fumes about how long his night is going to be as he puts his six speed Mack through its paces only to have the forward progress halted by a huge traffic jam. The frustration level now has elevated to yellow alert mode.
Byron's angered thoughts are interrupted by the trucks cell phone tone. Another company driver tells him there had been a two vehicle wreck in the next town and all should be well in the next 15 minutes or so. The words were of no comfort to Byron as his blood pressure rises another 10 points.

After 30 minutes sitting in traffic, Byron steers the Mack and 9000 gallons of petroleum towards the destination. The frustration level still at fever pitch....

More to come......
Don't be to optimistic the light at the end of the tunnel may be another train!!!

Old 12-12-2005, 03:40 PM
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The frustration level still at fever pitch...

Byron pulls onto the interstate and finds yet, another, traffic slow down. All his plans for an early night now seem to be fading fast as he squeezes the truck into the line of vehicles all heading in the same direction.
Without warning, as in the past, Byron feels as if he is experiencing a stroke His left arm goes numb, everything around him gets dark and his ability to speak clearly doesn't work. The episode lasts but a few seconds as he sits shaking from the ordeal and the cold sweat remembering that he did forget to take his anti anxiety medication.

After 45 minutes of traveling in one of the largest circuses Byron arrives at his destination. He skillfully maneuvers the tanker into the lot only to find a young person parked on the underground storage tanks. Thoughts of why he came to work pounded in Byron's mind as he stepped out to find the heathen and ask them to move.

A brief altercation in the store ensued as the owner of the offending vehicle argued his right to park anywhere he damn well pleased but finally calm prevailed when the store clerk pulled a .44 from under the counter telling the offending driver to move or... The young driver found staring down the barrel of a .44 not very pleasing and left forth with however, not without a few choice words normally not found in most dictionaries.

Head pounding from the high elevation of his blood pressure Byron starts the process of unloading the volatile liquid into the underground tanks. His thoughts keep wandering back to the current events that had transpired and if one more bad incident happens he may just go ballistic....
Don't be to optimistic the light at the end of the tunnel may be another train!!!

Old 12-17-2005, 03:18 PM
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What will happen next????

Stay tuned...

Meanwhile, check page 4 for a Christmas Nothing tale...

About half way down the page or so
Don't be to optimistic the light at the end of the tunnel may be another train!!!

Old 12-27-2005, 03:00 PM
Posts: n/a

I see nothing much going on here.
Old 01-01-2006, 09:29 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Metro Atlanta, GA
Posts: 23
Default HazMat-Doc Stated on Page 10

"Now envision this same scenario with every company plus, lines and lines of commuters waitning to fill their vehicles fuel tanks when no gas haulers are driving.
Would the politicals declare war on the very same drivers they helped out of a job due to insane demands and unrealistic laws???"


ah yup, I believe they would. Remember the air traffic controllers a few years back? They have our fingerprints on file; easy to deny employment if using that type of identification.

Since this is a topic about nothing, and I am doing just about nothing while my truck is in the shop, been reading old posts.

Well the company thinks I'm doing something. Got me trying to train an untrainable female to be a special courier. She don't know nothing. Don't wanna know nothing. Don't seem to be able to learn nothing. Has one speed, dead slow. Dead slow: a fatal flaw for a courier.

The concept they came up with is good and I think it will work, but not with this particular person. This excerise in nothingness isn't paying much of anything, but sitting home without wheels earns me absolutely nothing.
'Sides, they are paying for rental and the fuel and I get to take the wheels home when not wasting my time training Ms Nothing.

Not sure if this post is about nothing or maybe a little something.

Sitting here doing nothing! :shock:
Life is a mystery to be Lived,
Not a problem to be Solved.
Old 01-05-2006, 02:52 PM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Camden, South Carolina
Posts: 136

All right Doc when are you going to finish the story???

It does seem to be a better read than most!!!!
There's a sign post up ahead, your next stop is the Twilight Zone!!!!!!!!!
I'll be nicer when you're smarter

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