Vintage CAD Members Check-In

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Old 10-10-2021, 07:32 AM
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Default Vintage CAD Members Check-In

Any old-timers here? I've been lurking here from time to time, mainly to see if anybody I recognize is still around.
Please check in here and let us know how you are doing these days.

Me? I'm doing great, my health is better, and I'm fairly active for 70 years old. I'm not hunting and fishing anymore, but still playing my guitar for fun, and I've added a bass guitar now. I'm trying to learn some songs on that.
No longer driving or working as a Firefighter/Medic. I'm gardening, and keeping to myself at home a lot. Somewhat because of the covid mess going on, but also because I am a hermit at heart, and prefer being alone all the time.

I miss the good old days here at CAD. I miss some of you folks and think about you from time to time. You are easy friends to have. You don't visit, but wave when you drive by Michigan.

Shania Twain isn't with me yet, but I am still trying my best to win her heart. If any of you have her email address, I'd sure appreciate it.
Maybe she will check in, and I hope you do too!

Old 10-10-2021, 02:26 PM
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This is an awesome idea Roadhog!!

As you can see I'm still here and keeping the gears oiled until the old timers come back to visit and post. Probably never gonna be like the old days but it sure would be great to hear from the old gang and have some check ins!!

I saw the Timber Wolf made a drive by last week, anybody else?
"In trucking, 2 wrongs don't make a right but 3 lefts do!!"

Old 10-10-2021, 03:09 PM
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Scoe my old friend!
Very happy you have not only kept things going, but you REALLY cleaned up the place since, we got over run with Russian spammers.

^^ seeing if I can post a photo... I'm not as computer savvy like I use to be.
If so, that is a photo of me next to my Clematis and my Phoking Chinese Lilly's.

Saw Timberwolf too, and he stopped by on his own. It's not my fault,..
Like Timberwolf, me and I'm sure many others too, like to come by now and then, like visiting an old memory.

I hope we get to re-connect with them, even just to say hello again.
I do have some old contacts, so I'll see if they still have a block on me.

Old 10-10-2021, 06:40 PM
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Broadsword calling Danny Boy, Broadsword calling Danny Boy, come in, over!

I say, rather, well hello old bean. Frightfully good of you to invite us all here today .

I haven't driven a truck now for over 12 years. Lord only knows how I would get on with an old Eton twin split gearbox now ha ha ...
And I'd probably drop trailer off for swap-over and not put landing legs down...Oh, hold on, that's WHAT I used to do anyway :-) ...."Whadya mean, the legs aint down? Just put them on slow wind and put your back into it, yer lazy bastard. What's that? Is this in revenge for watching me put those tarpaulin sheets on that load last Winter when it was blowing a gale? Now ask yourself, would I do that?"...

Great to hear from you, Hog.

Get the kettle on, let's have a brew of TEA old boy

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
Old 10-10-2021, 07:48 PM
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Wow, talk about hearkening back to days of yore.

Been a very long time, but couldn't resist Hogs invite to check in and see how the elderly are doing. Including me. Can't believe I remembered my password.

I'm still in the transportation industry, but working for an ATS software company called DriverReach. Work from home 100% of the time and thoroughly enjoy what I do. Kids are grown, 1 is married and I have my first granddaughter, who is 19 months old now and owns my heart and soul. Being a grandpa is one of the greatest blessings ever. Have another daughter on the cusp of getting engaged and the rest are doing well in their various endeavors. No complaints; life is fantastic.

Writing is still part of my life. I haven't done much since the pandemic hit, but my current count is 8 novels and 3 anthology appearances, as well as 1 movie appearance and a spot in IMDB. I figure to have 2 more books released by April of next year and look forward to being able to delve back into it a little more regularly. Have re-taken up the sport of bowling, as well, since softball and other sports tend to be a little more difficult to navigate at 55.

All in all, life is pretty A-OK. It's been a really good one. Hope everyone is just as blessed.
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Old 10-11-2021, 10:07 AM
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Yeah, being a Grandpa is fantastic, they bring so much joy into our lives....and we get to give them back at the end of the day too!
My granddaughter (few years ago, when she was four or five, and I'm sitting st computer with huge bag of beefy hula hoops) "Nanna, me and Papa are sharing these hula hoops, but HE'S HAD ENOUGH"...

While on topic of grandparents.

My grandmother was called Pearl and my grandfather was called Dean, but we just knew them as Grandma and Papa pa pa pa pa paa pa pa pa pa pa paa paa

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
Old 10-11-2021, 12:34 PM
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Charlotte is so adorable, and you are so Blessed!
I can see how she could even melt, The Batman's heart.

I just found out, you can click on the photo, and it enlarges for a better view.
Even if that's old technology, you find yourself at my age, not able to figure out how to answer a cell phone, without taking photos or accidentally hanging up on the person.

I couldn't help but notice, I'm sporting a missing tooth grin, and starting to dress and look the same, when I was that age!
Maybe, I need to knock this off, and start wearing pants again, with a button up shirt, and no more slippers. ..... nah.... too late, I can no longer trust a fart.

Old 10-12-2021, 05:28 PM
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I was just wondering about you, so glad to hear you are doing better, I have had some heart problems, nothing too serious, the doctor disqualified me from driving for 6 months because I passed out at the terminal, short term disability paid me for 3 months, then decided they aren't going to pay me anymore because they dont think I need to be off, I asked my company for help and they responded by firing me. they said reapply when ever the doctor releases you, I dont think so , anyway it's great to hear from you, I was worried about you
Old 10-13-2021, 12:28 AM
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OK, Roll Call/Check in

So far we have:
I think I saw Windwalker

That's a great start!
We're putting the old team back together...
"In trucking, 2 wrongs don't make a right but 3 lefts do!!"

Old 10-13-2021, 03:22 AM
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Still walkin' the wind. But I've reduced.... Ummmmm.... Down sized. I got rid of 16 wheels....... Ummmm..... Maybe make that 17. (No steering wheel either) Instead of 40 acres, I can turn around in just 15 feet. And zero to 60..... Haven't timed it, but it don't take long. But now, I'm actually out in that wind, with 1500cc between my legs. I am exempt from "click-it or ticket", and don't slow down for the chicken coups.

In May of 2020, I ran a hundred yard dash (No, I did not break any records.) I crossed the finish line 4th out of 5, but my oldest competitor was 42, and I turn 76 the beginning of next year. August of 2020, I beat COVID. But it did do some damage. No, I'm not ready for a rematch on that hundred yard dash. Working on it though.

I spent a lot of years, looking forward to the day when I wouldn't have to work anymore. When I got to that day, I realized there was one thing I had never learned how to do....... "NOTHING" I never learned how to sit and do nothing. I'm working with a school that teaches motorcycle safety. I work one-on-one with the people that do not pass. In the last 3 1/2 years I've been working with them, I've had four people that did not pass a re-evaluation. One killed in a car accident, one hit in a crosswalk and both legs gone, One realized it simply was not for him, and one moved out of state to a better job. How many have I worked with? I honestly don't know. I seldom have a day off. And I've made a lot of friends along the way.

We once said that old drivers do not die, they just drive off into the sunset. I've seen a lot of beautiful sunsets, but have not yet felt the urge to chase after them. Life after trucking? YES ! ! ! Life after driving? Don't know. Haven't gotten that far yet. Truck stop food? Haven't gotten away from that either. I still drive a hundred miles for the holiday buffet at PETRO. (And THANKSGIVING is coming.... So is CHRISTMAS) Wish we could kick Pilot's @$$ out of Flying J. Their buffet wasn't too bad either.

I still check weather and road conditions, even though I have not seen snow since I retired. And, I still think about the other drivers that do face that every season. And I pray for their safety. Over the years, I have been stopping in here, mostly just lurking. Once in a while, I do leave traces behind. One of the things I've been curious about is, how has COVID affected the industry. And how many drivers did it remove? I'm quite sure there have been victims, but I've seen no stats.

I stay pretty busy, but I may be back to wish everybody HAPPY HOLIDAYS.
( R E T I R E D , and glad of it)
YES ! ! ! There is life after trucking.
a GOOD life

Last edited by Windwalker; 10-13-2021 at 03:27 AM.

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