Fighting WuhanFlu with THC

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Old 10-13-2021, 03:07 PM
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Default Fighting WuhanFlu with THC

Best preventative medicine I've found yet, is a bowl of cannabis flower. No worry's mate!

I just got some good news considering fighting the Wuhan Flu.
I live in Michigan which will soon be administering monoclonal antibody therapy (mAbs) through EMS, so it will be offered locally in most places. I think right now, if you are over 65 or at risk and have a positive covid test, you can get it at some Health Departments in the area. My closest would be 75 miles away, but when the EMS get it, I will be able to walk next door to theFire Department. I hear maybe within the next couple weeks.
It's an infusion treatment, so it probably has to be done by an IV maybe. They say it will be free of charge, but some places might have a small fee for their service.

This might be a better option than hydroxycloroquine or ivermectin remedies.


Last edited by Roadhog; 10-13-2021 at 07:20 PM. Reason: I forgot... well the medicine I'm on is called Trainwreck
Old 10-13-2021, 09:58 PM
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Here is an article that came from The Jerusalem Post.

Aspirin substantially lowers risk of Covid

Over-the-counter aspirin could protect the lungs of Covid patients and minimize the need for mechanical ventilation, according to new research from George Washington University.

The team investigated more than 400 patients from hospitals across the United States who take aspirin unrelated to their COVID disease, and found that the treatment reduced the risk of several parameters by almost half: reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%, ICU admissions by 43%, and overall in-hospital mortality by 47%.

“As we learned about the connection between blood clots and COVID, we knew that aspirin – used to prevent stroke and heart attack – could be important for patients,” said Dr. Jonathan Chow of the study team. “Our research found an association between low-dose aspirin and decreased severity and death.”

Low-dose aspirin is a common treatment for anyone suffering from blood clotting issues or in danger of stroke, including most people who had a heart attack or a myocardial infarction. Although affecting the respiratory system, the coronavirus has been associated with small blood vessel clotting, causing tiny blockages in the pulmonary blood system, leading to ARDS – acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Israeli researchers reached similar results in a preliminary trial at the Barzilai Medical Center in March. In addition to its effect on blood clots, they found that aspirin carried immunological benefits and that the group taking it was 29% less likely to become infected with the virus in the first place.

Old 10-22-2021, 08:20 PM
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I was able to get some ivermectin pills through Front Line Doctors. They are 3mg dose pills, and I would need to take 7 per day (21mg) to hopefully lessen the symptoms of covid.
First, I would get a test to see if I tested positive, and if I did, I would sign up for the monoclonal antibody therapy. That can take a few days for results and getting an appointment for the therapy.

If I knew I was positive, I'd start with the ivermectin and continue the daily vitamins. Using the ivermectin is my judgement call, and I can't recommend that to anyone else. I've been convinced from my researching this, it can help reduce symptoms and keep you from needing to go into the Hospital, and ride the flu out at home. If conditions don't improve, then of course, no choice but to go into the Hospital.

Ivermectin requires a prescription from a Doctor, and not many are able or willing to offer this. I think hydroxycloroquine also is helping. Plenty of research on both drugs.

Don't have much else to offer for help. This is the best I can come up with, to use as a home remedy, to fight the virus, and hopefully stay out of the hospital.

I don't believe any of the vaccines they are offering, are safe or effective for anyone. Maybe I'm wrong, but we'll know for sure, in a couple years, eh?
That has been my policy from the beginning. I'll wait and see how this looks and plays out.
So far it looks evil and corrupted as hell to me. Longer this goes on, the more I am convinced.

I'm unvaxxed and would love to hug and kiss China Joe. I love him that much. 8^)

Old 10-29-2021, 12:41 PM
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Ivermectin before this pandemic cost about $0.30 cents per 3 mg pill.

I just paid $10.00 per pill, if you count the $90 bucks for the prescription, and needed 35 pills. $350 bucks total.

The price keeps going higher, well beyond hyper inflation of most everything else.
Our current criminal un-elected communist regime, is trying to stop all sales of ivermectin, within the Republic of USSA.
Looks like they are doing it too.

Old 10-29-2021, 01:46 PM
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Two things I did to really improve my health, not only against this covid virus, but any virus.

First, I began to realize the 8 +/- medications my doctors had me on were slowly killing me.
I began having side effects from those drugs, so I began backing off, and stopping some, to the point I dropped all meds.
Then my health IMPROVED. What helped me the most through this was cannabis, and still remains the only medication besides caffeine, I use.

Secondly, I also took a closer look at my diet. The food I was eating was slow poison and addictive in many cases, with everything having so much sugar, salt and carbs.
I realized this market was also corrupt, like the drug market, and the "healthcare" market. These evil bastards are making people sick and addicted on purpose.
Hospitals open a new floor because of fat sick people, they create. Like a Farmer fattening up a herd before slaughter, there is big money in making people stupid as cattle.
Feed them pig food..... mostly corn. Grains, high carbs and lots of sugar. It's in everything, and we have to eliminate as much of that as we can.
Food industries have spent millions, and years on research to find ways to make their product addictive to humans.

We have to learn to fast now and then, reduce our appetite, and break the addiction to food. Like in the old days, we were taught to go to bed on an empty stomach. It allowed you to heal through the night and rest, instead of making your body digest.
Learn to eat for nutrition and not for pleasure, except maybe a few times in a year, treat ourself.
You will find out, that cake or pie or candy you once liked tastes horrible, and makes you feel ill, right away, like your body rejecting it.

I went most of my working life clean from all drugs.... so I thought. I was a Firefighter/EMT and drove Ambulance, and again as a professional truck driver, so I prided myself for being "clean" all those years.
Rarely drank any alcohol.... but looking back, I was on some very dangerous drugs the entire time, that was helping me to an early grave.

I always liked cannabis over alcohol. Never found myself too high, or risked over dosing. Never woke up feeling sick or hung over, or was ever a threat to anyone else while driving.
Never even heard of anyone dying from cannabis use or harming others and breaking up families or losing their job over it...... so why was cannabis outlawed and not alcohol?

More money and government control with alcohol. Canabis, also called Hemp was a huge threat to the steel and oil industries. I won't get into it, now, but check out Henry Fords Hemp car on Youtube.
The government gave cannabis the name marijuna, to make it sound Mexican and a foreign threat to Americans. Many people by now, know the propaganda used.

The more I've learned about this God given miracle to mankind, the more I am amazed by it's benefits.

You all know the story about Moses and the Burning Bush? God spoke to Moses at that time and the burning bush helped Moses, to see things more clearly!
That burning bush, I'm convinced was some of God's private stash, some canabis sativa sinsemilla.

Glad I'm retired now, and no more UA tests.

Last edited by Roadhog; 10-29-2021 at 01:52 PM.

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