Alert!! Michigan State Troopers catapult from weigh stations

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Old 08-09-2008, 11:15 AM
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Default Alert!! Michigan State Troopers catapult from weigh stations

I was going up I-75 through Michigan driving the speed limit (60mph) not far behind another semi and I had to pull off to enter a weigh station. The semi in front of me kept going, i figured he had PREPASS.

I slowed down and coasted through the weigh station going 25mph, as soon as I passed the final green light in my driver side mirror I see a Michigan State Trooper in a Suv come out of nowhere fly past me with beacons a blazin.

The truck I was following was pulled over about 1.5 miles pass the scale. It must of been less than 90 seconds after he passed the scale.

I heard that is an automatic $500.00 fine in Michigan.

I had just barely cleared the scale and he flew right pass me on the left, I was still going 25mph He shot passed me like a rocket.
Old 08-09-2008, 12:30 PM
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Outside of the PrePass, I think the percentage of those who bypass is low. Of those, not everyone is doing it intentionally.

I haven’t searched the Federal Laws but I believe the $500 fine is a pretty good assessment. Circumstances are always a part of the limits maybe, or Officer evaluation of the reasons you failed to comply. I think the general range is between $375 and $650.
But, I have read the fine in some States is a Class B misdemeanor citation, with much higher penalties and requires an appearance in court. Repeat offenders can have a suspension of their authority.

Some weigh stations already have cameras to catch by passers. Other stations will be installing cameras at some point in the future. That obviously would be a safer method of capture. Can you imagine though…you are nervous for accidentally bypassing, and nothing happens, then a week later you get a summons in the mail. :?
How do you plead your case then, that you were not over-weight, or didn’t want to stop, because you are behind schedule, or that you are not hauling hazmat ping pong balls without the PSN…etc. I think if I had to face the music, I’d rather get lit up a couple miles down the road. :?

Old 08-09-2008, 01:32 PM
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WY POE told me that it was only a $50 fine there, but I've seen OH, KY, IL, TN, and GA do the same thing from their scales. TN also has a car standing by at the Manchester scale. Very often, I've seen a trooper sitting in it and idling while the scale is open. In OH, on US-30, another truck that was about a quarter mile in front of me went by the scale, and as I got close to the sign, it switched to "CLOSED". As I went by the scale, the weight-master was blazing a trail out of the scale and had the other truck pulled over by the pickle park.

I've got PRE-PASS, but I will only bypass the scale if I have a green light. Red or no light, and I'm going in.
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Old 08-09-2008, 04:18 PM
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I agree I thint I would still go in prepass or not , get pulled over down the road then they want to probably see every thing and may even re route you back for a level one inspection,who needs the hassel, I usually know what my wieght is anyhow
Old 08-09-2008, 04:55 PM
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If you ever unintentionally pass a scale the best thing to do is pull to the side and stop immediately. Then get out of your truck and walk back to the scale and try to explain it to them. They may or may not give you a pass, but may require you to go to the nearest exit and come back across their scale. They could also do an inspection on your truck. They assume that you are trying to hide something when you bypass their scale. I was coming out of New York several years ago and another truck and myself just passed by a rest area where the DOT had set up. We both stopped about half way past the rest area. We both got out and went up to talk with them. They told both of us to go on. Neither of us realized they had set up until we were passing the rest area. They were very busy with a lot of other trucks. I was legal and the other guy said that he was too. I was surprised they let us go without making us turn around and going back through their check. New York is not known for being "truck" friendly. One thing about it, you cannot out run a pursuit car in an 18 wheeler.
Old 08-09-2008, 05:20 PM
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Heh..funny you should mention NY....

The only time I've EVER unintentionally blown past an inspection point was in NY the time I realized what was going on, I was already past the rest area. :shock: Fortunately, they were either too busy, or just didn't notice me, as they never chased me down!

I was, and always have, run legal, and have never had any worries from a weigh or inspection station...but that one had me real nervous...

I'm always much more careful in NY after that....
Old 08-09-2008, 06:37 PM
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Originally Posted by TomB985
Heh..funny you should mention NY....

The only time I've EVER unintentionally blown past an inspection point was in NY the time I realized what was going on, I was already past the rest area. :shock: Fortunately, they were either too busy, or just didn't notice me, as they never chased me down!

I was, and always have, run legal, and have never had any worries from a weigh or inspection station...but that one had me real nervous...

I'm always much more careful in NY after that....
I saw this guy looking for you
Old 08-09-2008, 09:29 PM
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Pardon my ignorance, but why is it people do these things? Is there some fantastic amount of money to be made from running over one's weight limit?
Old 08-09-2008, 09:32 PM
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Pardon my ignorance on this but with NY setting up in the rest area's, do the put a sign up that reads all trucks must exit or have someone out there waving you in or are you supposed to be telepathic and know they are there? In VA I have only seen them flag you down if they want you to come see'em in a mobile scale/inspection station.
Old 08-09-2008, 09:38 PM
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They do put up a sign at the rest area, but it was in a position where it wasn't easy to see until it was too late. Most times they put up signs far enough in advance where you know where you need to pull in.

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