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Old 08-05-2007, 01:39 AM
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Originally Posted by fireman932003
Ok, I admit that I have never been into CB's much. I own a little Cobra but it is nothing special. Is the Uniden PC78 any good??
I was kinda contemplating getting that one and would be interested in knowing it's quality as well. $109 on copper.com for the elite model, radio shack wants like $190 or something for it.
Old 08-05-2007, 03:43 PM
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No "GREAT DEALS", but my experience with them has been good prices, and better work-(mods, installs, peak and tune, etc. on new purchases)
Phone conversations have also been good; quick to answer, no hold time, friendly.
Haven't had to send anything back, so can't say about warranty, service, or repair work.
Old 08-05-2007, 06:06 PM
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Radio Shack sells their Branded Radio, which is basically the Uniden chassis, I was there today and they had a Uniden 78 on the shelf. Did not pay attention to the price.

Most fuel stops have a good line of radios, at usually the same price that you will pay after shipping and insurance from an online vendor. For a good basic radio with only the neccesity's, look at any of the Cobra 29 Line - the classic, Nightwatch etc. These basic radios have been the standard truckers radio for years, without getting into the high range stuff.

Stay away from the modified 10 meter radios, that have been hacked to work on 11 meter (CB), as the FCC and many states are coming down hard on violations. Namely Pennsylvania and Virginia. It amazes me how many radios I see sitting on dashes in plain sight with big linears in plain sight.

That's my thought anywhow!


Originally Posted by Deus
Anyone care to recommend a good online vendor I can buy a good but cheap CB at? I've never owned one, but I think I'm going to put one in the truck I take on my big route. Sick of not being able to communicate with other drivers..

I don't want anything fancy, just something that does the job I need it for. Looking at spending about $100, not one of those $400 jobs... Cobra any good? I see them all the time at truck stops.

Or even radio shack, can I get a decent cheap CB there?
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Old 08-07-2007, 02:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Deus
What is an echo board? That a brand?
It is echo.
Some radios have them, others are installed later. Connex has echo in their radios. There is a brand of echo board. Called, Connex echo board. You can buy one, and have it installed in a cb shop.

Old 08-07-2007, 04:52 PM
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I don't know if he's still there its been quite a few years since I've had any CB work done but the guy there at exit 7 out by the flying hook in 'Texarkana, Ar fixed my little 29 right up. I had previously taken it to the Buffalo Cb shop there at Dallas Pike and it never did work right after that until the guy in TexR got a hold of it. I really miss that radio :shock:
She gets mad when we go to slow...so I'm beggin' you man keep a shovelin' that coal...Let's Rollll!
Old 08-07-2007, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by slowmoe20
I don't know if he's still there its been quite a few years since I've had any CB work done but the guy there at exit 7 out by the flying hook in 'Texarkana, Ar fixed my little 29 right up. I had previously taken it to the Buffalo Cb shop there at Dallas Pike and it never did work right after that until the guy in TexR got a hold of it. I really miss that radio :shock:
If the guy at exit 7 is the same one that was there 3 years ago, he is in jail. FCC and the county nailed him hard. FCC for selling and modifying radios and the county got him for pedlin' drugs. It was in the Texarkana paper about 9 -10 months ago.
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Old 08-11-2007, 12:17 AM
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Well, since I have officially retired, I guess I no longer have any need of my Galaxy 95HT custom built by Mike at RadioactiveRadios.com. I also do not need my Texas Star 350HD. Cobra 29 ? Yeah sure......10/11 meter radios are fine. The FCC does not even have an enforcement "arm" anymore. Check their website. They do NOT even accept complaints about CB radios anymore. Since 9/11 they are too busy with other more important things. I was one of "those guys" with the 10/11 meter radio and an amp. and I NEVER even got asked what it was...All the "hams" are whining.......
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Old 08-11-2007, 01:14 AM
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Originally Posted by feederfred
Well, since I have officially retired, I guess I no longer have any need of my Galaxy 95HT custom built by Mike at RadioactiveRadios.com. I also do not need my Texas Star 350HD. Cobra 29 ? Yeah sure......10/11 meter radios are fine. The FCC does not even have an enforcement "arm" anymore. Check their website. They do NOT even accept complaints about CB radios anymore. Since 9/11 they are too busy with other more important things. I was one of "those guys" with the 10/11 meter radio and an amp. and I NEVER even got asked what it was...All the "hams" are whining.......

Hmm, if they do not have enforcement, then explain how radio shops are being fined, closed down, and in some cases the operators of those shops being placed in jail for violating federal law. Explain why the Pennsylvania Highway Patrol is confiscating and fining truck drivers for illegal radio equipment. Explain why the Arizona Highway patrol had a pile of radios and amps sitting behind the counter of the POE on I-10 after a crack down just this past week.

Hmm, no enforcement, guess you need to catch up on the extent of the Federal Laws and Regulations that can and are being enforced at various levels.

Just because it does not make main stream media, does not mean it is not there.
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Old 11-18-2010, 08:21 PM
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Clay's radio shop in Texas does good work. I shipped my radio out there on a recommendation and i had no complaints. :smokin:
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Old 11-19-2010, 10:40 PM
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Wow freebird, must be getting bored, replying to 2 year old threads.

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