deBoer / school

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Old 03-03-2008, 10:47 PM
worldisnotenough's Avatar
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when asked if you are overweight, just tell them there is more of you to love!
Old 03-04-2008, 01:07 AM
Orangetxguy's Avatar
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Gordo....I haven't seen a "new" deBoer truck & trailer on the road in quite some time. Usually see 6-7 year old POS's.

If you are just getting your cdl try some of these companies that are closer to you,

Reynolds Nationwide,

Spirit Truck Lines;

U.S.A LogisticsCarriers;

or Savannah Transport; 785) 233-2190 Topeka KS.

All the drivers I have chatted with at Reynolds & Savannah Transport are very happy. Reynolds is based out of San Antonio, Savannah is supposed to have a terminal there.

Space...............Is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence! :thumbsup: Star Trek2009
Old 08-10-2008, 12:14 AM
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