stuck at truck stop another week-end

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Old 07-14-2008, 10:00 PM
belpre122's Avatar
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I gave your post some serious thought Golfhobo.

They are like moths to a flame. The OTR coolie carrier, hobohemia apologists are not required to read any thread. Especially the threads that they know are possibly going to rub them the wrong way.

Just skip over it! I do it all of the time when I see the OTR denizens luring unsuspecting recruits to their life of bondage and irrational justifications.

Golfhobo. They are addicted. Not my fault. Just brush it off if you see that I am actively on a thread.

I'm not changing or altering anything. Lastly;

Irregular-route coolie carrier OTR trucking sucks! Get out now! If not for self, then for the family at home.

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son." Dean Wermer (not aimed at you personally Ghobo)
Old 07-15-2008, 12:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Jay B
Originally Posted by Mackman
Originally Posted by Karnajj
Originally Posted by Mackman
Originally Posted by GMAN
When you continue to use the word "Coolie" it comes across as an insult to any otr drivers.
Not all OTR drivers are coolies. I dont think walmart drivers are coolies. The only person the word coolie my insult are ones that think they are coolies. Which is 95% of OTR drivers. I cant help it if they want to work for peanuts. Like LBJ said The truth hurts. But i can see some people cant handle the truth. So keep on trucking for your pennys a mile.
Bold talk from someone who can't hold a job for more than a few months at a time. If you can't handle that part of the industry that's your problem. Keep your **** opinions to yourself. Nobody has commented on the fact that you are a lowly dump truck driver. :roll:
I can tell you have no clue what your talking about. Lets see in AUG i will be at my job for 1 year. Before that i worked a Venezia who paid coolie wages for 3 weeks. Unlike you i think my time is worth more then coolie money. Before that i worked on tugs for about 2 months and just didnt like the job. The job before that i was there 2.5 years driving tankers. This lowly dump truck driver makes about 1k a week and works a whole lot less hours then you for it.

When will the COOLIES LEARN :roll: :roll: :roll:
Lowly dump truck driver? Gosh my feelings are hurt because sometimes I have to move piles of dirt around the county.
Today they even made me drive the water truck. Boo hoo, I am so ashamed that someone might see me. It was horrible, I had to wait in my truck for a couple of hours between sprays and I forgot to pick up a newspaper this morning on the way to work and had to read yesterdays news WHILE GETTING PAID.
Sure I prefer to drive one of the lowboys, but I am the new driver and can and will drive anything the company has.

And the best part? I get to come home every day and play with my baby and sleep with my wife. Who is sleeping with your wife while you spend weeks at a time sleeping in urine drenched parking lots wishing the company you drive for would buy APUs, Karnajj?
Zing!lol.That one was :lol: :lol: Sad but true. Wouldnt pay any mind to that karnajj fellow,seems like a frustrated young lad,always has some smart ass reply for someone.Reaaaaallllll tough guy
Old 07-15-2008, 12:15 AM
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True, but look at your name (MartenDrvrCA) and look what thread you're under :wink:
Mud, sweat, and gears
Old 07-15-2008, 12:20 AM
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Originally Posted by BanditsCousin
True, but look at your name (MartenDrvrCA) and look what thread you're under :wink:
I ran local pretty much my whole term at marten.Either off salary or percentage.And before that I was los angeles regional,never ran over 150 away from the terminal.And will never go OTR AGAIN not sure what your point was,but none the less happy monday
Old 07-15-2008, 01:04 AM
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I worked "Local", for 18 years. Started at the bottom of the board at both companies i worked for those 18 years. One a common carrier, te other a major oil cmpany. My last 5 years at the oil company, I made a crap-pot more money per year, than some of these "Local" proponents on this thread. I was also pretty unhappy, those last 5 years,and was thrilled when BP offered a "Package".

The last few years I have been driving regional OTR, and seeing places I have never seen before, and places I haven't seen since the early 80's. I'm also much happier...and making even better! 05 and a company driver working mostly local..the money sucked.

Since Tuesday, when I left the house for this stint out in the system, I have grossed over $11,000, spent 4 nights in motels, delivered 2 loads, had load #3 delivered by a Hattiesburg "local" driver(of which I will net $1,450), while I picked up load #4, which I deliver at 8am in Wichita. After deadheading to St Louis tomorrow after my delivery..I will have traveled all of 3400 miles, making that money. I'm going to have spent between fuel, meals and rooms, license & insurance, and "local delivery fee right around $5,800.

Ya'al that have fallen in love with the "Coolie" phrase need to reconsider the fervent condemnation you espouse here. Ya'al are forgetting that without all those "Coolie" jobs you disdain so much...(Ya'al have what you consider to be the only "decent" truckin job on the road)....Ya'al just wouldn't be making the kind of moeny Ya think ya make...because all them drivers for all those "coolie" companies....they would be at home, competeing for those same jobs ya'al are so proud of. If that were the case...just how much money do ya'al think you would be making...and how many weekends would ya'al have to work to make it??

Something to consider don't ya'al think?

Oh yes...I am running a bit tight on HOS, so have had to layover, to aquire the hours to deliver tomorrow, so I am still 300 miles from the delivery...but I can live with that, considering the rate for the load ($3.18 per mile, on 818 loaded miles, + FSC of $1.05 a mile).

Right now...I can live with OTR, such as it is.
Space...............Is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence! :thumbsup: Star Trek2009
Old 07-15-2008, 01:07 AM
belpre122's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Orangetxguy
I was also pretty unhappy, those last 5 years,and was thrilled when BP offered a "Package".
That's not what they're calling it in Indy, Stan.

Tell everyone over at 'Washington Works' that I said hello. :wink:
Old 07-15-2008, 01:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Orangetxguy
Since Tuesday, when I left the house for this stint out in the system, I have grossed over $11,000, spent 4 nights in motels,
And Stan. Tell all of that to Big Jeep on 44's. I'm sure that he would be in conjugal agreement about the lovely life of a coolie carrier OTR driver.

".heck they sat me in Dallas Tx for 2 days of 100 degree weather ,and they expect no idilng ,and don't do buiness with ide aire b/c they are both chapter 11...they offer no alteratives to get a/c in the summer and heat in the winter without idiling the truck ...they wrote me up for idiling 8hrs day while sleeping because it's more than 3.5hrs allowed order to not get wrote up again i paid $140.00 for 2 days in a motel ,and then i get qualcomm message stating goo job your idle is down sh!t sherlock !."

Recheck your post Stan. I think that you may have succeeded in making the coolie carrier driver feel worse than he has ever felt before. Ya'al :wink:
Old 07-15-2008, 01:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Orangetxguy

I worked "Local", for 18 years. Started at the bottom of the board at both companies i worked for those 18 years. One a common carrier, te other a major oil cmpany. My last 5 years at the oil company, I made a crap-pot more money per year, than some of these "Local" proponents on this thread. I was also pretty unhappy, those last 5 years,and was thrilled when BP offered a "Package".

The last few years I have been driving regional OTR, and seeing places I have never seen before, and places I haven't seen since the early 80's. I'm also much happier...and making even better! 05 and a company driver working mostly local..the money sucked.

Since Tuesday, when I left the house for this stint out in the system, I have grossed over $11,000, spent 4 nights in motels, delivered 2 loads, had load #3 delivered by a Hattiesburg "local" driver(of which I will net $1,450), while I picked up load #4, which I deliver at 8am in Wichita. After deadheading to St Louis tomorrow after my delivery..I will have traveled all of 3400 miles, making that money. I'm going to have spent between fuel, meals and rooms, license & insurance, and "local delivery fee right around $5,800.

Ya'al that have fallen in love with the "Coolie" phrase need to reconsider the fervent condemnation you espouse here. Ya'al are forgetting that without all those "Coolie" jobs you disdain so much...(Ya'al have what you consider to be the only "decent" truckin job on the road)....Ya'al just wouldn't be making the kind of moeny Ya think ya make...because all them drivers for all those "coolie" companies....they would be at home, competeing for those same jobs ya'al are so proud of. If that were the case...just how much money do ya'al think you would be making...and how many weekends would ya'al have to work to make it??

Something to consider don't ya'al think?

Oh yes...I am running a bit tight on HOS, so have had to layover, to aquire the hours to deliver tomorrow, so I am still 300 miles from the delivery...but I can live with that, considering the rate for the load ($3.18 per mile, on 818 loaded miles, + FSC of $1.05 a mile).

Right now...I can live with OTR, such as it is.
This a man with a brain. Thanks for your post, but your words of wisdom will fall of deaf (possibly handicapped) ears. Unfortunately it seems people like you dont post as much as the local punk(s). Id love to see more of your opinions/facts/experiances as well as Skywalker, Cyanide among others.
Old 07-15-2008, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by DDCavi
This a man with a brain. Thanks for your post, but your words of wisdom will fall of deaf (possibly handicapped) ears. Unfortunately it seems people like you dont post as much as the local punk(s). Id love to see more of your opinions/facts/experiances as well as Skywalker, Cyanide among others.
Cavi, I didn't know that work-release would allow you to play on the computer.
Old 07-15-2008, 03:38 AM
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belpre122 said:

I gave your post some serious thought Golfhobo.
Good! Thank you! I'm sorry for the UNPAID effort! :wink:

They are like moths to a flame.
I understand this, as it concerns the NEWBIES that enter the industry, and follow the advice of their school recruiters and the magazines! But, we are here to HELP them.... not to condemn! :roll:

The OTR coolie carrier, hobohemia apologists are not required to read any thread. Especially the threads that they know are possibly going to rub them the wrong way.
But, they DO.... and so do the newbies who are looking for TRUTH and not just "opinion." {and those of us who are bored!}

Just skip over it! I do it all of the time when I see the OTR denizens luring unsuspecting recruits to their life of bondage and irrational justifications.
If you have a problem with a RECRUITER.... by all means, call him out! But, I haven't seen you miss a SINGLE "meal" here in the last week or so! If a NEWBIE asks about a "coolie carrier," I'm sure someone here will warn him off! They've been doing it for YEARS before either of US joined this forum! As for me? I will NOT "skip over" what I consider to be an injustice! Get USED TO IT!

Golfhobo. They are addicted. Not my fault. Just brush it off if you see that I am actively on a thread.
The ONLY "addiction" I've seen here in the years I've been on this board, is that of the succophants who have annointed the GRINCH as the KING! :lol:

I'm not changing or altering anything. Lastly;
Irregular-route coolie carrier OTR trucking sucks! Get out now! If not for self, then for the family at home.
Not all of us HAVE family at home! So.... we do what we do for ourselves... and with our OWN MIND and decisions! Who are YOU, or anyone ELSE, to tell us what is right for us? :roll:

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son." Dean Wermer (not aimed at you personally Ghobo)
So, you're assuming that ONLY OTR drivers can be FAT? Or Drunks? Or Stupid? :roll: I got NEWS for you! MOST drivers who actually DO have a drinking problem.... are LOCAL! That way they can go home at night and drink until time to go to work again! [And hope no one in their company notices or CARES!] And, YES.... I have proof! :roll:

They can't HANDLE 5-14 days on the road without a beer (except for the occaisonal layover!) FAT?? Well, there ARE alot of them! But, for the LIFE of me, I can't tell whether they are OTR or just local drivers who like the food at the buffet! :wink:

Stupid? Yeah.... sure..... there are WAY too many drivers with a license to be STUPID!! But.... not ALL are OTR! This week alone, I've seen news reports of a LOCAL tanker driver who got stuck on the RR tracks and cut in half by a Train..... and another (driver) who spilled a load of chickens on I-40 in Tennessee. And then there's the guy who got fired for harrassing 4wheelers on I-85 and he was only a few miles from HOME! :roll:


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