stuck at truck stop another week-end

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Old 07-06-2008, 03:10 PM
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Default stuck at truck stop another week-end

:cry: Well here I am,been here since Fri. afternoon,seems like every time I come to New York,I might as well expect to sit and wait to deliver or wait for a load,and Syracuse is where I seem to end up. Already got my application out there and if a decent job with week-ends off comes alone,I will proberly take it,pay can't be much lower than Im making now,34cpm.If any one knows of a company I might check on,post it here.Hate to whine and complain about something like this,but,after a while you just get tired of the same old run around.thanks to all.
Old 07-06-2008, 05:38 PM
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where are you out of .....might check out some of the coolie carriers for a dedicated account.....better planning and most sitting is done at home
Old 07-06-2008, 09:20 PM
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Default Stuck

Who do you pull for so others can avoid 'em. BOL
Old 07-06-2008, 09:59 PM
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Ever pulled tankers? I got layed over this weekend as well. Company put me up in a Holiday Inn Thursday and Friday Night. I got paid 16 hours layover pay and got a load out Saturday headed for home.
Old 07-07-2008, 01:54 AM
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Originally Posted by wsyrob
Ever pulled tankers? I got layed over this weekend as well. Company put me up in a Holiday Inn Thursday and Friday Night. I got paid 16 hours layover pay and got a load out Saturday headed for home.
I was layed over at the consignee for 26hrs on tuesday-wensday. Got paid for all 26 hrs. Great feeling. 8)
Old 07-07-2008, 02:14 AM
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Originally Posted by BHG0069
I was layed over at the consignee for 26hrs on tuesday-wensday. Got paid for all 26 hrs. Great feeling. 8)
That's one of the reasons why we need to push him towards getting away from irregular-route coolie carrier OTR trucking.

He seems to enjoy the industry. Yet is stuck in that coolie carrier rut. I can empathize. Unless you are willing to look away from the conventional modes, it all is really a dead-end for the most part.

These guys are so accustomed to being used and abused by these coolier carrier cut-rate outfits, that they find it almost unbelievable that you are paid all of that lay-over pay, plus wsyrob shacked up at a Holiday Inn for the weekend. These guys unfortunately only understand shacking up at the Carney Point hook for a reset/weekend in the hot-box.

The coolie carrier companies would prefer that the truck be shut down completely, and the driver take a sleeping bag out behind the coolie campground and find a nice comfy spot amidst the wonderful activities that take place behind the last row of trucks at a coolie camprground.

The dissent amongst quality drivers like seadawg is growing. Coolie carrier operations are merely in survival mode now. It's a day to day type operation for many of these outfits. Credit lines have tightened so much because creditors already see what I am telling you now;

Irregular-route coolie carrier, hobo style OTR in it's current form is over. The shake-up is going to be nasty and protracted. In the end, it will be the true professional drivers that will benefit.

So long, scumbags. :sad:
Fuel for free. Pre/Post trip for free. Sit at shipper/receiver for free. "Work 80-100, log 70, get paid for 40." Welcome to OTR coolie carrier truck driving!

Old 07-07-2008, 03:49 AM
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Are you at the sh!t hole pilot in Syracuse ,NY... i broke down there friday this past Memorial weeked...i been there before ,but only over night with quick shower b4 leaving...well due to break down on friday ,and cat being closed sat,sun,mon i got stuck there 4 days ...And this pos place is just like the pos pilot off trinaty lane in Nashville, laundry for drivers WTF ,But they got video games :roll: ...the pos super 8 i stayed at down the street tuesday,wedesday...did not either,and without the truck i spent 40 bucks round trip 6 miles for a taxi to go do laundry.

i just put out my resume this home time ,because in addition to low miles and only .33 cpm Gainey can't even offer their divers the ability to keep the truck cool when on break,as they only give 30% idle time ,which is only 3.5 hours a day on top of 50 moving hours which could be 2500-3000 miles...heck they sat me in Dallas Tx for 2 days of 100 degree weather ,and they expect no idilng ,and don't do buiness with ide aire b/c they are both chapter 11...they offer no alteratives to get a/c in the summer and heat in the winter without idiling the truck ...they wrote me up for idiling 8hrs day while sleeping because it's more than 3.5hrs allowed order to not get wrote up again i paid $140.00 for 2 days in a motel ,and then i get qualcomm message stating goo job your idle is down sh!t sherlock !...that's because i wasn't in te truck the 2 100 degree days t sat in Dallas...I can't wait to get away...I'm even looking at Werner again b/c atleast they respected the driver enough to give them a/c in the summer,and heat in the winter...and not just while driving... :wink:
Old 07-07-2008, 03:50 AM
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Originally Posted by belpre122
The growing dissent amongst quality drivers like seadawg is growing. Coolie carrier operations are merely in survival mode now. It's a day to day type operation for many of these outfits. Credit lines have tightened so much because creditors already see what I am telling you now;

Irregular-route coolie carrier, hobo style OTR in it's current form is over. The shake-up is going to be nasty and protracted. In the end, it will be the true professional drivers that will benefit.

So long, scumbags.
This is where our paths diverge. I love irregular route driving. Send me here, send me there . . I love this . . it's such a great country!

We (re)converge at pay. Pay me for what I love to do. I'll stay out here and we'll both benefit. But pay me fairly. I'm good at what I do and have the extract to prove it. I didn't take the training and leave . . I took it and ran with it. I'll keep doing it if they'll pay me fairly. Fair is 40 for 40. Beyond 40, I want the same premium every tradesman gets. It's all I ask.
Trucking isn't about trucks; it's about Drivers. Up with Drivers and Up with Pay!
Old 07-07-2008, 04:05 AM
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Originally Posted by bigtimba
This is where our paths diverge. I love irregular route driving. Send me here, send me there . . I love this . . it's such a great country!
They probably don't diverge as much as you might think timba. I heartily agree that there are persons for which the OTR industry/lifestyle is nothing short of a godsend. I think that I understand the want and need to experience new things and places daily. Often, the only alternative would be go work in a factory, which in my book, would be tantamount to torture to someone like you. The folks that get out there simply to 'get away from it all.' while abandoning families, responsibilities etc, are the ones that I take issue with. They use the "need for the open road" mantra to escape responsibility.
I fully realize that is not the case for all of you. OTR driving fulfills a need that most likely could not be filled elsewhere. I'm completely with you there.

The pay issue that we definitely converge on is where I take the greatest umbrage. I have realized that you are one of the OTR posters that while may get a bit irritated with us locals and our coolie carrier etc, crap. You also realize that it is not personal, and is for the most part aimed at the Coolie Carrier industry that is taking advantage of the OTR driver. We locals have mostly all done OTR so we DO know what we are talking about. It is indeed disturbing to hear OTR pay rates that are far below what I make as a local fuel hauler with 2.5 years experience in the trucking industry. It is a shame that my OTR counterparts are not properly compensated for their willingness and dedication to staying on the road to complete the mission. The discrepancy in pay is inexcusable and needs to be reformed to give the industry any smidgen of respectability. $40k a years is not near enough for an OTR driver. I do far better than that and never leave the State of Indiana. I am not union.

We'll just have to keep pushing. I enjoy your posts timba.
Fuel for free. Pre/Post trip for free. Sit at shipper/receiver for free. "Work 80-100, log 70, get paid for 40." Welcome to OTR coolie carrier truck driving!

Old 07-07-2008, 04:12 AM
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your a class act.....belpre..... 8) 8) 8) .......very well articulated....!!!!! :wink: :wink:

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