Heartland- Here I Come!

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Old 11-30-2008, 01:47 PM
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Default Heartland- Here I Come!

Howdy all. Tomorrow (Monday the 1st of Dec., 2008) I call my recruiter at Heartland (who happens to be Twilight Flyer) to confirm my orientation date in Atlanta for the 8th. I'm looking forward to it. I've read everything I can, checked all the websites, and talked to drivers from lots of companies. I think I will like it at Heartland, we'll see. I just wanted to start this new topic to let you guys know how my progress goes. I don't know if I'll take my MacBook with me or not on the truck. Haven't decided. They make a car charger for it, and then it lasts 5 hours when fully charged, but I don't know. My wife won't have a computer here at home then... Difficult decisions. I'll definitely post when I get home about how the miles, equipment and pay are doing.

The reasons I picked Heartland are simple. First, the equipment. Seems like they are well-maintained tractors and trailers. I'm not too worried about having a TV cabinet, or a place for my X Box. I don't have a TV that works in the truck (I only have one in my house), and I don't even own an X Box, or any other gaming system. If you like to pass your time that way in the truck, go for it, it just haven't made it a habit as of yet. Although, I would like to get a PSP before too long... AND, they are IH trucks. I'm tired of living in Freightshakers. Both companies I've worked for have had them. I hate 'em. A lot of guys love them, not me. I've always been an IH man. (well, they're not technically IH but rather Navistar International or something, but you get the point) I love the looks of the ProStar, but I know it'll be a long time before I get one (unless I grease a few palms TF?? LOL!). I'll be happy with the 9400.

Second, the pay. Without my Haz-Mat (which I didn't want to go through the headache of getting) I'll start at 41 cpm. Not bad. I looked a company closer to the house that guarantees 2500 miles per week, but they would start me out at 34 or 35. I'd have to run 2500 with them to make what I'll make at Heartland at 2000. What if I have a good week at HE? I'll have to run a lot more miles to cover at the other place. Work smarter, not harder...

Third, the Haz-Mat thing. Sure, I'll probably get one someday, but I've driven professionally for three years without it, why not try to keep a streak like that alive. I just didn't want to fool with it right now. Maybe in a couple months I'll get it to give myself a quick raise or something, but not now.

Fourth, 85% drop and hook. From what I've heard from previous drivers (even if they didn't like HE), this seems to be pretty close to fact. Just makes your day so much brighter.

Fifth, insurance. Rates seem reasonable from what I've heard. Where I'm working now as a security guard, insurance in $585 a month (for a family of three). At a $9 an hour gig. Give me a break! They'd have to be pretty good to beat Schneiders insurance, though. I'll give it to them, they had good fairly cheap insurance.

Sixth, home 3 out of 4 weekends a month. My wife is having our second child in February. I want to be home as much as I can in the world of trucking right now, you know? Its hard enough being gone with a wife and a little boy at home, let alone a pregnant wife and a little boy.

I think thats about it. If I think of anything else, I'll put it on here. Wish me luck! I really want this to work. I'll do everything in my power to see that it does. The ball is in their court. I do know TF is a heck of a nice guy, and he didn't try to blow any smoke when I talked to him. He told me the deal straight-up as far as I could tell.

Anyway, I'll let you all know how it all works out in the wash. Like I said, I want this to work and be great with HE, and I'm expecting it will be. I'm as excited as I can be right now with a family at home. You know how it is. I'm excited, but not like when I was first married and had no kids and the road was an adventure.

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Old 11-30-2008, 01:54 PM
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Tell TF that Rev says "Hi".

Best of luck!
Old 11-30-2008, 02:03 PM
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You should be able to earn a decent living with Heartland. Keep us posted on your progress.
Old 12-01-2008, 06:13 PM
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Good luck and keep us posted
Old 12-01-2008, 06:40 PM
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Well, here is how it stands at this point.

Talked to TF just a few minutes ago. Had to set up my bus ticket for orientation and such. Not much to report. I leave this Sunday for Atlanta.

Basically, its about what you would expect getting ready for orientation. What documents to bring, when to get on the bus, who to call when you get off the bus in ATL. Wish I could be more exciting, sorry.

I'm looking forward to getting started anyway. Its been a month since I started looking at companies (when I decided to go back to driving), almost that since I've been in contact with Heartland. I figure I know what to expect from orientation, its all about the same. Going over their Qualcomm info, going over paperwork, when we'll get paid, etc. Then we get to watch safety videos with truck wrecks in them. No other industry has safety videos that are this exciting. Be thankful.

I should be back by the house Wednesday night to pick up my belongings next Wednesday afternoon/evening. Hopefully I'll get to post on here when I get my stuff picked up. I doubt I'll be able to spend one last night in my own bed... Thats asking too much.

Thanks for the kind words. I'll let you know how it all goes. If I keep track of my travels, I'll put them on here, too. I hope to stop at more Mom and Pop T/S's when I have to stop. See a little more this time than last. Last time it was all fast-food and Pilot's. I didn't gain any weight cause I hardly ever ate I got so sick of the crap I was getting. Maybe this time I'll be better to myself.

See you all down the road!
Old 12-01-2008, 07:20 PM
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Tell Twilight Flyer that I said Howdy.

Best of luck. Hope the best for ya!

Old 12-02-2008, 02:23 AM
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So you're going with the "Regional" gig?

Now, what exactly are your "expectations"/requirements-- when they say-

home 3 out of 4 weekends?

Other, than that little bit-- and the idea that you actually prefer a International 9400 over a freightliner century or columbia--- looks like your

reasoning & expectations are pretty "realistically" grounded.

How about the "regional" driving, when they dispatch you on that first load that goes to Mn, Wi, NY, Maine just 3 days prior to you expecting to be "home" that weekend-- the question is-- do you run their "soft" region or say-- no thanks? Living in Knoxville area should be great for "getting you by the house" both on North/South and East/West runs.

By the way, after orientation-- their might not be an available truck right there in Atlanta-- they may bus you/ have you ride with another driver to Olive Branch or even Iowa to pick up your truck... so be prepared... orientation/ lack of $$$$$ might stretch 4 or 5 or even 7 days.. before you're in a truck making $$$$$.
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Old 12-02-2008, 06:08 PM
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HB, I know I might have to go somewhere else to pick up my truck, that was told to me up front when we started talking about orientation. What's new in trucking? Seems like they would have the trucks at the terminal they need them, but it doesn't work that way. Guys quit in the most unhandy of places. This means they need to get their trucks "home" somehow, and the closest terminal will do. I was also told I will get paid a small amount if I have to go get the truck. At least its something for my inconvenience.

First starting out, the "soft-regional" thing will be o.k. with me. I need the money, so I'm not going to complain about the miles. You have to do these things sometimes. I don't care if I take out of my region every week, as long as I get home when I need to.

What I am expecting with the weekends is simple. I plan to be home 4 times a month. Hopefully for at least 34 hours each, possibly more. I'm not going to moan and whine if I don't get home on the weekends if I'm home throughout the week. I worked for a year and a half where I got every Tuesday and Wednesday off. I don't have to be off on Saturday and Sunday. My wife doesn't work, my son is too young for school, so it'll work if I'm here during the week. Plus, more businesses are open during the week if I need to get anything done.

Also, I'd like to know how me liking an International over a Freightliner is "unrealistic?" It may be silly or lame or dumb, but not unrealistic. I'm not saying I wouldn't drive a Freightliner, I just prefer IH. Might as well drive something you like if you can. If I found a better company to work for that had Freightliners, I wouldn't waste a second even thinking about it. I'd go. There's no way I couldn't.

Here's something not related to HB's reply, but something I forgot to mention. I'm also looking forward to Sunday because I actually like (yes, LIKE) riding Greyhounds. I know, I know, its dumb and no one ever says it, but I like that mode of travel. I've not done it a lot, but some (on some decently long trips). Someday I'm going to take about a three week vacation and just criss-cross the country on a Greyhound, seeing everything I can from that little window.
Old 12-03-2008, 04:51 AM
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I hope it all works out for you... and I hope those 3 out of 4 weekends ARE at least 34hrs long... not just 10hrs or so-- then gone again.

Do keep us posted...

Yes, you're insane-- you like riding a grayhound :hellno:... ok, yeah I too thought the International would be fine-- for 5 or 6 days work between those 3 out of
3 weekends at home... then it turned into 7 days, 10days out-- 10hrs home, 18hrs home... I've seen Nicer International 9400's-- but these Heartland rigs are completely Basic-- no power windows, no power mirrors, no power period-- jump seat is no air ride, there's no air dump for suspension- no cab curtain, not even nets to keep anything IN those 2 little cubby's-- no inverter
period( of any size )
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Old 12-03-2008, 05:43 PM
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HB, didn't you account not getting home to being in a soft area for Heartland? I hope this area is better. I live not 5 miles from I75, and its just about 10 miles from here is the I640 bypass around Knoxville (and since I40 is shut down for the time, you have to take it). I would think this is a prime area for freight going through.

I'll let you know how it all goes. I've heard the new ProStars they are getting have the better interior package in them. I know it will be a long time before I get one, but maybe they are rethinking their stripped down trucks.

Last company I worked for had their trucks stripped way down, I doubt Heartland could do more than they did. The solo's had flat top Freightliners. Just like old days, right behind the seats was your mattress. The only curtain they had was between the mattress and the cab. You had to put your pants on lying down. The only type of storage you had was a U shaped bar that hung over the passenger side of the bed. This was so you could hang your clothes up. No power anything (except passenger side window), no extra readouts, bolt down jump seat. The only positive side was the APU on every truck. They were Carrier units, you had a 120 v plug that worked while the APU was running. They also had vinyl seats. That was tough. One thing about Schneider, their trucks were set up pretty nice. Power everything, two deluxe seats. They didn't want too big of a inverter either. Like I already said, I don't need an inverter for anything, so I think I'll be o.k.

Not too much longer now! Have a good one.

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