Getting back in the game- Werner Enterprises

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Old 05-03-2010, 07:04 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Illinois
Posts: 28

Originally Posted by Ronin
Yeah, it's funny to watch all the people stare on , transfixed at the figure, because that is all that truly matters to them.
I am home every night, well every morning.
I don't have to haul crap that may blow me up, corrode me into a pile of goop, poison me or make me glow in the dark.
I didn't have to go back out into OTR for a "refresher".
And i don't have to put up with a union trying to hose me with crap jobs, excessive dues and trying to make me think the time I have been in trucking to date means exactly jack squat.

Gawk at the figure all you want, but for me it's a decent tradeoff.

Your right. Werner will be alot better then UPS in the long run. As long as your happy thats all that matters... right?

I'm not Union but shame on them for trying to get a good wage for their members.

The answer to the problems in trucking is to lower the wages to attract drivers....

I like how someone with 3 years of driving exp thinks they can walk in and start bidding on the good runs. With the good jobs anywhere you have to start out on the bottom, opposite of Werner. Its not a Union thing either. With Con-way its the same, it takes time before you can bid on "the good runs".

Last edited by philrant; 05-03-2010 at 07:13 PM.
Old 05-03-2010, 09:35 PM
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I could care less about "good runs" but when a company tells me that I can't even be considered for any CDL job or even as a yard hostler with a CDL and 3 years exp because I lack seniority at they're company then I tell them to go die in a fire.
When you have one of those union companies tell you to wait 15 years for seniority when you already have more knowledge of the job in your left testicle than everyone on the waiting list combined that speaks volumes of how they do business. Why the hell should I start at the bottom like a kid coming outta high school at 29 when I have ALREADY BEEN DOING THE $UCKING JOB?
The reality is they don't want to honor outside experience because they want to pay you a crap job and put the screws on with dues until THEY think you're worthy to do what you knew have to do 15-20 years ago when you took the chit job.
So I say screw the seniority fetish at these unions. It's really just a brown-noser contest, or a way to generate more union dues for giving people crap jobs with the "promise" of real work before they turn 50.
Old 05-03-2010, 10:52 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Originally Posted by Ronin
I could care less about "good runs" but when a company tells me that I can't even be considered for any CDL job or even as a yard hostler with a CDL and 3 years exp because I lack seniority at they're company then I tell them to go die in a fire.
When you have one of those union companies tell you to wait 15 years for seniority when you already have more knowledge of the job in your left testicle than everyone on the waiting list combined that speaks volumes of how they do business. Why the hell should I start at the bottom like a kid coming outta high school at 29 when I have ALREADY BEEN DOING THE $UCKING JOB?
The reality is they don't want to honor outside experience because they want to pay you a crap job and put the screws on with dues until THEY think you're worthy to do what you knew have to do 15-20 years ago when you took the chit job.
So I say screw the seniority fetish at these unions. It's really just a brown-noser contest, or a way to generate more union dues for giving people crap jobs with the "promise" of real work before they turn 50.

Well that explains why you are making $0.23 a mile with a bad company. Nice Jonny Bigrigger attitude. Its not just Union jobs that do this, most LTL drivers have to jump through the same hoops. Its called paying your dues. It separates the can's from the cannots.

What makes you think you have more knowledge in your left testicle then the other people on the list? Because you have 3 years? That speaks volumes for you lol.

Thats all you hear about UPS isn't it.. They are a crappy company with *hit jobs. Even waiting 15 years to get a $0.50 cpm you would still break even after 7.5 years. Thats not even counting the money you would have made working the dock. Plus you add in the pension you would get at retirement, the benefits, paid holidays, etc... What does Werner have for a retirement? Any paid hoildays? Benefits? Also what kind of advancement opportunities does Werner have? UPS = Career Werner= just a job.

Just stop with trying suggest that Werner is a better choice over UPS.
Old 05-04-2010, 01:54 AM
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never said Werner specifically, but anything is better than a union job.
Old 05-04-2010, 02:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Ronin
never said Werner specifically, but anything is better than a union job.


Alright Super Trucker, good luck I hope it works out for you.

Last edited by philrant; 05-04-2010 at 02:34 AM.
Old 05-04-2010, 02:33 AM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Illinois
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Originally Posted by Ronin
I could care less about "good runs" but when a company tells me that I can't even be considered for any CDL job or even as a yard hostler with a CDL and 3 years exp because I lack seniority at they're company then I tell them to go die in a fire.
When you have one of those union companies tell you to wait 15 years for seniority when you already have more knowledge of the job in your left testicle than everyone on the waiting list combined that speaks volumes of how they do business. Why the hell should I start at the bottom like a kid coming outta high school at 29 when I have ALREADY BEEN DOING THE $UCKING JOB?
The reality is they don't want to honor outside experience because they want to pay you a crap job and put the screws on with dues until THEY think you're worthy to do what you knew have to do 15-20 years ago when you took the chit job.
So I say screw the seniority fetish at these unions. It's really just a brown-noser contest, or a way to generate more union dues for giving people crap jobs with the "promise" of real work before they turn 50.

"The reality is they don't want to honor outside experience " I see Werner honors your outside experience by paying you $0.23 a mile.

"speaks volumes of how they do business"... Yep UPS is known for having a bad business model.

"Why the hell should I start at the bottom like a kid coming outta high school at 29 when I have ALREADY BEEN DOING THE $UCKING JOB? "

Why should you go straight to the truck?

"So I say screw the seniority fetish at these unions. It's really just a brown-noser contest"

How can it be a brown noser contest if its seniority fetish? I think you would do best at a brown noser contest.

"or a way to generate more union dues for giving people crap jobs with the "promise" of real work before they turn 50"

What is Werner promising you? other then $0.23 a mile.

Your to easy man. I can pick you apart all day. I do find you very entertaining.

For the record I don't work for UPS, I'm not even Union. But I do enjoy picking apart people who post non sense on message boards. Is that wrong?
Old 05-04-2010, 07:18 AM
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Originally Posted by philrant
"The reality is they don't want to honor outside experience " I see Werner honors your outside experience by paying you $0.23 a mile.
And I work the hours and conditions of my choosing.

Originally Posted by philrant
"speaks volumes of how they do business"... Yep UPS is known for having a bad business model.
Marginalizing your employees never pays off in the long run.

Originally Posted by philrant
"Why the hell should I start at the bottom like a kid coming outta high school at 29 when I have ALREADY BEEN DOING THE $UCKING JOB? "
Why should you go straight to the truck?
For one thing they don't have to pay to have me trained for my CDL. Second, it saves on accident costs to hire experienced drivers vs anyone straight out of school.

Originally Posted by philrant
"So I say screw the seniority fetish at these unions. It's really just a brown-noser contest"
How can it be a brown noser contest if its seniority fetish? I think you would do best at a brown noser contest.
Really? You don't even know me.

Originally Posted by philrant
"or a way to generate more union dues for giving people crap jobs with the "promise" of real work before they turn 50"
What is Werner promising you? other then $0.23 a mile.
Nothing but steady work. Which I have gotten.

Originally Posted by philrant
Your to easy man. I can pick you apart all day. I do find you very entertaining.
For the record I don't work for UPS, I'm not even Union. But I do enjoy picking apart people who post non sense on message boards. Is that wrong?
Whatever keeps your blood pressure up. You'll have to practice harder if you want to get under my skin, grasshopper.
Old 05-04-2010, 11:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Ronin
Whatever keeps your blood pressure up. You'll have to practice harder if you want to get under my skin, grasshopper.

It doesn't get my blood pressure up, I just think its funny that you would even defend taking a job with Werner over UPS.

I'll give you a hint if you ever try and get a job that can support a family. 85% of the good jobs could care less about experience, it comes down to work ethic and attitude. Experience might come in 3rd, but we have all seen the guys with 20+ years who are crap workers.

See with Werner all they need is a pulse. When can you start training? 6 months?

Good luck, I hope one day you can pull your head out of the dirt and start making some money. LTL is where the money is man. I don't mean to sound rude. You can do better then Werner. Check out Con-way, close to Union pay without the Union and very busy.
Old 05-05-2010, 02:00 AM
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Originally Posted by philrant
Well that explains why you are making $0.23 a mile with a bad company. Nice Jonny Bigrigger attitude. Its not just Union jobs that do this, most LTL drivers have to jump through the same hoops. Its called paying your dues. It separates the can's from the cannots.
I hear ya', bud.
But you're wasting your time here.
These guys will defend their right to get the shaft to the bitter end.
In a certain sense, it's downright hilarious listening to this dude justify his .23 cpm job.
On the other, it's a little sad.
As it shows how far this industry has fallen.
You just wonder how many professional drivers who demand good pay & bennies for their time/effort have been put out of work by jackasses like this hauling for cheap?
But don't worry, what comes around goes around.
These guys will get their just desserts.
Mexicans will do the job for 1/2 the .23 cpm rate to get out of the fields and into an air-conditioned truck.
While we'll be retired and laughing our asses off! :lol2:
The Guy From Boston

Last edited by Joey Shabadoo; 05-05-2010 at 04:22 AM.
Old 05-05-2010, 02:41 AM
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Is this Ronin guy for real??? I hope not
Truck Driving an occupation consisting of hours of boredom interrupted by sheer terror!!

"All the coolie carriers suck. Log 70, work 80-100, paid for 50." - the Great ColdFrostyMug

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